About Tropical Tree Guide

Photo of Matthew Rowlings, CEO and Founder of TropicalTreeGuide.com

Hey there. My name is Matthew Rowlings.

I have a degree in Biology from the University of Florida and am also an Active Florida Master Gardener (100+ Volunteer Hours).

I am located in Central Florida (Zone 10A) and have 9+ years of hands-on experience with growing, propagating, and grafting 20+ types of tropical fruit trees & tropical ornamental trees on my 0.15 acre suburban lot (scroll down to see everything I’m growing).

Photo of Matthew Rowlings, CEO and Founder of TropicalTreeGuide.com

I created Tropical Tree Guide to be a resource for tree enthusiasts, homeowners and nurseries alike. My goal with this site is to provide you with realistic, proven & actionable information in order to successfully grow a variety of tropical trees.

The information on this website is derived from my first-hand experience, discussions with fellow growers, and peer-reviewed research. I have also had the pleasure to interview some of the world’s leading tropical tree experts including but not limited to:

Support the Site

Tropical Tree Guide is reader-supported.

If you have found any value in the grow guides on Tropical Tree Guide, and would like to help cover the website’s technical expenses, there are a few ways that you can support the site:

Schedule a Consultation. I offer affordable consultation calls in order to provide personalized recommendations for your specific growing situation. All consultations come with a 100% money back guarantee if you are not happy with our call.

Direct Support. If you would like to directly help cover the website’s technical expenses like server hosting and domain fees, you can donate directly to Tropical Tree Guide.

Use Our Links. I will ocassionally link to products on Amazon that I use in my own backyard orchard. When you click on these links and make a purchase, Tropical Tree Guide receives a small affiliate commission (at no additional cost to you).

That said, a free & easy way to support Tropical Tree Guide is telling others about the website. At the end of the day, I have 0 control over how Tropical Tree Guide appears in Google. So just spreading the word that this resource exists is extremely helpful! 😊

Everything I’m Growing

Questions & Comments

If you have questions, comments, or just want to say hello, you can contact me via my contact page.

Connect With Me

Tropical Tree Guide is active on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.