Edward Mango Grow Guide

A direct descendant of Haden Mango (one of the OG Florida Mangos) and Carabao Mango (the national mango cultivar of the Philippines), Edward Mango has had some pretty big shoes to fill.

However, I’m happy to report that Edward has lived up to its family name. Not only is the mango delicious in its own right (has been reported to be Dr. Richard Campbell’s favorite mango), but Edward has also produced some of today’s most popular mango cultivars.

Ever heard of Coconut Cream Mango? Yea, Edward is it’s mom 😛

With that being said, this grow guide will cover everything that you need to know about Edward Mango:

Table of Contents

Edward Mango Tree Growth Habit & Fruit Production

The Edward Mango is considered a medium-sized mango tree.

Edward Mangos have a moderately vigorous & densely compact growth habit that produces an attractive dense canopy. As a result, they can realistically be kept between 10 – 15 feet tall with annual pruning. While they can easily be kept under control, Edward Mangos would not do well long-term in containers and would not be considered a “condo” mango.

An Edward Mango Tree
Image Credit: D’s Fruit Trees

Because Edward Mangos tend to flower very easily (common to have a minimum of two blooms / season) they are known to be very consistent producers.

That being said, Edward has unfortunately developed a reputation among growers of being shy bearers. So while one can expect to consistently get fruit every year, the tree’s overall fruit yield can be considerably lower when compared to similarly sized trees such as Lemon Meringue or Glenn.

An Edward Mango Tree Flower
Image Credit: Backyard Mangoes

This potential for lower-than-normal fruit yields is speculated to be related to issues arising with both self and cross pollination compatibility. In other words, an Edward Mango’s overall yield seems to vary considerably based on what other nearby mango trees are close by and available to pollinate the tree’s flowers.

With this in mind, I would still classify Edward’s fruit production as average to good.

The mangos themselves are small to medium-sized fruits that typically weigh between 0.8 – 1.5 lbs. Moreover, it is perfectly normal for Edward Mangos to be smaller towards the beginning of the season and pick up some more size as the fruit matures towards the middle/end of the season.

Regardless of size, Edward has a great flesh-to-seed ratio.

A Ripe and Mature Edward Mango
Image Credit: Rare Fruit Farms

Edward Mango Flavor Profile

Edward Mangos are considered a Classic Flavored Mango.

Edward Mangos have yellowish-green skin that will often develop a beautiful orange blush with enough sun exposure. Aside from color, Edward produces a classic & mild mango aroma that smells very tropical. Between the smell and overall shape of the fruit, Edward reminds me of a much-fuller Glenn Mango.

A Ripe and Mature Edward Mango
Image Credit: Luxury Fruit Connect

Slicing into the fruit reveals a yellowish-orange, juicy flesh that is fiberless and has a medium-firm texture, which is both tender and creamy, much like butter.

From a flavor perspective, Edward Mango has a strong classic mango flavor that can best be described as a very rich and sweet mango flavor that is not overly complex. I have personally never been able to taste any particularly resinous (spiciness) or additional fruity flavors with maybe the exception of some subtle honey notes. Regardless of the lack of complexity, there is honestly nothing not to like about Edward.

On the other hand, my wife has occasionally picked up on some additional flavors. She has told me that while she (like myself) has never detected any resinous notes, she has in fact tasted some very subtle fruity flavors including citrus, peach and even coconut. She even once described Edward has having a sweetness akin to a persimmon.

This just goes to show that everybody’s taste buds are different 🙂

Overall, Edward’s flavor will be mostly appreciated by those who are looking for that classic mango flavor.

If you like Glenn but maybe want to turn up the mango flavor intensity a bit, then Edward Mango would be an excellent choice. By the same token, if you want to turn up Edward’s flavor in addition to having small amounts of complexity and spiciness, I recommend checking out Fairchild Mango.

Finally, it’s worth noting that Edward Mangos produce monoembryonic seeds, which means that planting a seed from an Edward Mango won’t yield another Edward Mango Tree.

Edward Mango Season (And When To Pick)

Edward Mangos are considered an early to mid-season mango (May – July).

While Edward’s overall fruit yield may be lower, I always appreciate mango cultivars that can be enjoyed over the span of a few months instead of having to eat all the fruit at once… because that’s how you get mango belly 😆

The best time to harvest Edward Mangos are when they are mature and beginning to ripen on the tree. From a color perspective, this is when the fruit begins to turn a greenish-yellow color. If the skin is yellowing up but the point on the bottom of the fruit is still pretty green, make sure to leave the fruit on the tree for a few additional days.

Edward Mangos are also known to color up with a orangish-red blush towards the top of the fruit, although not as intensely as what one would expect from a Haden Mango. With that being said, it’s important to remember that the red blush on the top of the mango has nothing to do with the fruit’s ripeness. A rule of thumb to remember is that More Sun = More Red, Less Sun = Less Red.

Aside from color, here are some additional tips to knowing when an Edward Mango is ready to pick:

  • Brown/dried stems
  • Fullness of the fruit
    • As the season progresses, they will go from a flat-looking fruit to a much fuller-looking fruit
  • Lenticels (small dots on the fruit) becoming more prominently displayed

What I really like about Edward is that the fruit is very forgiving when it comes to picking. Whether the fruit is picked early or late, you can still expect a delicious tasting mango.

Additionally, Edward has thicker skin than most mangos. This helps prevent the fruit from being damaged easily if it were to fall from the tree. However, this is not really surprising given Edward’s parentage (see below).

Edward Mango Disease Resistance

Edward Mango is moderately resistant to Anthracnose. As a result, Edward would be an excellent addition to yards with less than ideal conditions, such as higher humidity levels and low winds.

Edward Mango History

Edward Mango was named after Edward Simmonds, who planted the first Edward Mango Tree in Miami, Florida in the 1930’s. What makes Edward particularly interesting (and also important) is that it was one of the first and most successful Indochinese & Indian Hybrids that combined the taste profile of Indian Mangos with the disease resistance found in Indochinese Mangos.

Edward is a seedling of Haden Mango. Edward’s pollinating parent is Carabao Mango.

Edward is also the parent to some new and popular cultivars including but not limited to: Coconut Cream, Sugarloaf, Angie, Harvest Moon, Duncan, Seacrest, and Young. Additionally, Edward is also a sibling to Cogshall, Valencia Pride, Spirit of 76, Kent, Glenn, Bailey’s Marvel, Florigon, Cushman, and Van Dyke.

Despite being considered an “Improved Haden,” Edward Mango had limited commercial success due to its low fruit-bearing frequency, and it lacked many of the colorful characteristics that consumers had already grown accustomed to with cultivars like Haden.

Edward Mango Tree For Sale (Where To Find)

Tropical Tree Guide has proudly partnered with Montura Gardens, a family-owned nursery in Clewiston, Florida, to bring you premium, grafted tropical fruit trees—delivered FREE to your doorstep! With Montura Gardens’ exceptional quality and service, we’re making it easier than ever to grow flourishing tropical trees right in your backyard.

For more information, please check out our Tropical Fruit Trees For Sale Page.


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Thank you for reading! 🙂


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Matthew Rowlings

I have a degree in Biology from the University of Florida and am also an Active Florida Master Gardener. I am located in Central Florida (Zone 10A) and have 7+ years of experience with growing, propagating, and grafting 20+ types of tropical fruit trees on my 0.15 acre suburban lot. You can learn more about me and why I started Tropical Tree Guide on my about page.

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