M-4 Mango Grow Guide

An Unripe M-4 Mango that is not mature
Image Credit: Fair Oaks Tropiculture

Originally released in 2017, M-4 Mango has quickly made a name for itself.

Joining the ranks of other top-tier ‘coconut-flavor’ mangos such as Sugarloaf and Coconut Cream, M-4 Mango offers the opportunity to enjoy an exceptionally delicious mango later in the season.

With that being said, this grow guide will cover everything that you need to know about M-4 Mango:

Table of Contents

M-4 Mango Tree Growth Habit & Fruit Production

The M-4 Mango is considered a medium-sized mango tree.

M-4 Mango Trees have a moderately vigorous & spreading growth habit that produces an open canopy. As a result, M-4 can realistically be kept between 10 – 15 feet tall with annual pruning. With that being said, M-4  would not do well long-term in containers and would not be considered a “condo” mango.

A Young M-4 Mango Tree
My Young M-4 Mango Tree

Even from an early age, M-4’s fruit production consistently ranges from good to heavy. The mangos themselves are small to medium-sized fruits that typically weigh between 0.6 – 1.3 lbs.

M-4 Mango Flavor Profile

M-4 Mangos are considered a Coconut Flavored Mango. As a result, M-4’s flavor is most similar to other ‘Coconut Mangos’ including but not limited to:

4 Ripe M-4 Mangos
Image Credit: D’s Fruit Trees LLC

The fruit boasts a sweet aroma with subtle citrus notes. Additionally, its light-yellow, fiberless flesh has an enjoyable texture that is both smooth and creamy. While the flesh is somewhat firm (likely a characteristic inherited from Keitt), it will still melt in your mouth.

From a flavor perspective, M-4 Mangos have a sweet, rich, and complex taste. They exhibit a subtle sub-acid citrus component that creates a pleasant balance of sweetness and tartness. What’s interesting is that, depending on the fruit, the coconut flavor may sometimes be dominant, while other times it can be more noticeable in the aftertaste. However, this variation can also be due to not harvesting the fruit at the optimal time.

Relative to other mangos in its flavor class, M-4 seems to have a more prominent coconut flavor than the popular Coconut Cream. The overall flavor is actually more consistent with Sugarloaf (which probably explains why I love it so much). Overall, M-4 Mango is a very delicious fruit and would be a great choice for those looking to plant a late-season mango with a very tropical taste.

Side Note: If you enjoy both coconut AND Indian flavored mangos, you should definitely check out Little Gem 🙂

Finally, it’s worth noting that M-4 Mangos produce polyembryonic seeds, which means that planting a seed from a M-4 Mango can yield another M-4 Mango Tree.

M-4 Mango Season (And When To Pick)

M-4 Mangos are considered a true late-season mango (July – August).

In fact, they can sometimes be harvested and enjoyed as late as September. If a crop does extend into September, this can potentially give the tree less time to go dormant and ‘recover’ before the next season, which might result in the tree producing fewer fruits in the upcoming season.

With that being said, the best time to pick M-4 Mangos are when they are mature and beginning to ripen on the tree. Unfortunately, color is not the most reliable indicator for knowing when M-4 is ready to pick. This is because M-4 develops little to no color, however the fruit will occasionally develop a pink/yellow blush towards the top of the fruit when grown closer to the coast.

With that being said, here are some additional tips to knowing when a M-4 Mango is ready to pick:

  • Is the fruit beginning to soften?
  • How does the stem look? It’s it drying up near where it connects to the fruit?
  • Are there beads of sap present on the fruit?
A Ripe and Mature Zill M-4 Mango
Image Credit: Luxury Fruit Connect

While M-4 may not boast the vibrant colors of other mangos, I see this as an advantage. If you have limited yard space, you can reserve the more visually attractive mango varieties for your backyard and opt for planting M-4 in the front yard. The greener fruit of M-4 can serve as a deterrent to potential ‘two-legged’ thieves 🙂

However, this will not help in deterring any “four-legged” thieves 🙂

M-4 Mango Disease Resistance

M-4 is somewhat prone to Bacterial Black Spot (BBS). However, this should come as no surprise, as one of its parents, Keitt, is highly susceptible to BBS

M-4 Mango History

The M-4 Mango was first propagated in Boynton Beach, Florida by Gary Zill.

This name was derived from the grid location (think of a battleship grid… except for mangos) of where the original M-4 Mango Tree was propagated in Gary’s mango breeding program.

While the M-4 Mango was officially released in 2017, there were allegedly reservations about making it available to the public due to concerns that the original tree exhibited ‘alternate bearer’ behavior, likely a result of heavy crop production late in the season. However, its exceptional taste ultimately justified its release.

M-4 is a seedling of Keitt Mango. It’s pollinating parent is believed to be Gary.

M-4 is also a sibling of Coconut CreamPineapple Pleasure, Cotton Candy, Pina Colada, and Honey Kiss.

M-4 Mango Tree For Sale (Where To Find)

Tropical Tree Guide has proudly partnered with Montura Gardens, a family-owned nursery in Clewiston, Florida, to bring you premium, grafted tropical fruit trees—delivered FREE to your doorstep! With Montura Gardens’ exceptional quality and service, we’re making it easier than ever to grow flourishing tropical trees right in your backyard.

For more information, please check out our Tropical Fruit Trees For Sale Page.


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Thank you for reading! 🙂


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Matthew Rowlings

I have a degree in Biology from the University of Florida and am also an Active Florida Master Gardener. I am located in Central Florida (Zone 10A) and have 7+ years of experience with growing, propagating, and grafting 20+ types of tropical fruit trees on my 0.15 acre suburban lot. You can learn more about me and why I started Tropical Tree Guide on my about page.

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