Madame Francis Mango Grow Guide

Madame Francis Mango is a traditional dessert mango originating from Haiti, so popular that it is considered the country’s ‘de facto’ mango.

In fact, Madame Francis is to Haiti what Alphonso is to India, Carabao is to the Philippines, and Ataulfo is to Mexico.

With that being said, this grow guide will cover everything that you need to know about Madame Francis Mango:

Table of Contents

Madame Francis Mango Tree Growth Habit & Fruit Production

The Madame Francis Mango is considered a medium to large-sized mango tree.

Madame Francis Mangos have a vigorous & spreading growth habit that produces a sprawling, dense and open canopy. As a result, Madame Francis can realistically be kept between 10 – 20 feet tall with annual pruning. With that being said, Madame Francis would not do well long-term in containers and would not be considered a “condo” mango.

A Madame Francis Mango Tree With Fruit
Image Credit: Manifested Roots

Due to the minimal cold stimulus required for blooming, Madame Francis’s fruit production consistently ranges from good to heavy. The mangos themselves are medium to large-sized fruits that typically weigh between 1 – 2 lbs and are often free from imperfections and diseases.

However, the kidney-shaped fruit does contain a relatively large seed.

Madame Francis Fruit on a Mango Flower Panicle
Image Credit: Manifested Roots

Madame Francis Mango Flavor Profile

Madame Francis Mangos are considered a Classic Flavored Mango.

When fully ripe and mature, Madame Francis Mangos will emit a delightful mango aroma.

Upon cutting into the fruit, you’ll find juicy orange flesh with a somewhat stringy and fibrous texture, though not to the extent of the ‘mango floss’ commonly found in East Indian Mangos.

It’s worth noting that for those accustomed to or preferring nearly fiberless or completely fiberless mangos, the fiber in Madame Francis can be perceived as somewhat excessive. Mango snobs, like myself, may find this a potential dealbreaker if the flavor doesn’t meet their expectations.

From a flavor perspective, Madame Francis delivers a classic mango flavor—rich, sweet, and robust. While one can expect to detect subtle hints of resinous spices, they are not overwhelming. Occasionally, there may also be a slight tang, along with faint undertones of peach.

While the flavor is pleasant compared to other commercial mango varieties, I personally don’t believe that it has the ‘wow factor’ to compensate for the high fiber content. Nonetheless, if you’re not too concerned about fiber and enjoy trying different mango varieties (you can commonly find Madame Francis at Whole Foods), Madame Francis can be a decent choice.

From a commercial perspective, I would rank Madame Francis below Kent and Keitt but above Tommy Atkins in terms of flavor. However, it’s important to remember that taste is subjective 😉

Finally, it’s worth noting that Madame Francis Mangos produce polyembryonic seeds, which means that planting a seed from a Madame Francis Mango can yield another Madame Francis Mango Tree.

Madame Francis Mango Season (And When To Pick)

Madame Francis Mangos are considered a mid-season mango (June – July).

The best time to pick Madame Francis Mangos are when they are mature and beginning to ripen on the tree. From a color perspective, this is when the fruit is beginning to show signs of yellow color break. Madame Francis is perfectly ripe when the majority of the fruit transitions to a vibrant golden yellow color with minimal amounts of green at the base of the fruit.

Aside from color, here are some additional tips to knowing when Madame Francis Mango is ready to pick:

  • Is the fruit beginning to soften ever so slightly?
  • Is the fruit beginning to emit a fruity aroma?
  • Is the fruit full-sized and has a plump appearance?
  • How does the stem look? Is it drying up near where it connects to the fruit?

Lastly, thanks to its fiber content and thicker peel, there’s no need to be concerned about the fruit bruising if it drops from the tree.

Madame Francis Mango Disease Resistance

Madame Francis Mango is susceptible to Anthracnose.

As a result, it’s best to avoid planting Madame Francis in highly humid areas like the Florida Interior. Instead, consider planting this tree only in coastal areas with good airflow.

Madame Francis Mango History

Originating in Haiti, Madame Francis Mango reigns as the most widely cultivated and favored in the nation.

Below is an excerpt on the history of Madame Francis Mango from Walter Zill’s autobiography:

This polyembryonic mango from Haiti is an example of how attached persons become to the mango they ate as children or was readily available where they lived for some time. When Dad and I went to Haiti collecting seed of what we know as lurpentine we found they had some varieties new to us. The only one of lasting interest to me is often seen in grocery stores imported from Haiti called Madam Francis, or Francisque.

Where we found fully mature specimens, I thoroughly enjoyed the flavor. The fibrous pulp was tolerable to me, but I rather not have trees around spreading their pollen that can introduce fibrous characteristics in new varieties grown from seeds pollinated by the now plentiful Francisque. Haitians plant seeds, and f’rancisque “comes true, meaning there is insignificant difference, if any, between mother seed yielding plant and that which grows from her seed.

The trees grow very upright and large, bearing well the early ripening, commercially shaped, being elongated and chunky enough to be packed efficiently) green fruit of about 12 ounces and heavier. Green, then yellow when ripe.

Walter Zill, Maturing With Mangoes

Madame Francis Mango Tree For Sale

Honestly, it’s rare to find Madame Francis Mango Trees for sale. This may be attributed to consumer preferences for smaller trees that yield fiberless fruits, even though Madame Francis exhibits good disease resistance.

With that being said, if you are unable to find one at a local nursery, your next best option is checking out Tropical Acres Farms (not sponsored). They are the only legit place online (from my experience) that you are getting exactly what you are paying for. 

They have over 300 varieties of mangos available. You can either order budwood to graft yourself or submit a grafting request to have a grafted tree created for you. They do ship!


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Thank you for reading! 🙂


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Matthew Rowlings

I have a degree in Biology from the University of Florida and am also an Active Florida Master Gardener. I am located in Central Florida (Zone 10A) and have 7+ years of experience with growing, propagating, and grafting 20+ types of tropical fruit trees on my 0.15 acre suburban lot. You can learn more about me and why I started Tropical Tree Guide on my about page.

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