Mallika Mango Grow Guide

A Ripe Mallika Mango
Image Credit: Miami Fruit

If you are a fan of either Kesar, Nam Doc Mai or Carrie, Mallika may be a variety to consider planting in your yard. With notes of honey, citrus, and vanilla, a properly ripened Mallika Mango has the potential to be one of the most delicious mangoes you’ll ever taste.

With that being said, this grow guide will cover everything that you need to know about Mallika Mango:

Table of Contents

Mallika Mango Tree Growth Habit & Fruit Production

The Mallika Mango is considered a medium-sized mango tree.

Mallika Mango Trees have a moderately vigorous & spreading growth habit that produces a dense and compact canopy. As a result, Mallika can realistically be kept between 10 – 15 feet tall with annual pruning. With that being said, Mallika would not do well long-term in containers and would not be considered a “condo” mango.

Mallika’s fruit production consistently ranges from average to good. The mangos themselves are small to medium-sized fruits that typically weigh between 0.6 – 1.1 lbs.

Mallika Mango Flavor Profile

Mallika Mangos are considered a Citrus Flavored Mango.

One of the most interesting characteristics of Mallika Mango is its aroma. When not properly ripened, the fruit has a sour/musky smell that is not very pleasant. However, a perfectly ripe Mallika is highly aromatic, containing hints of floral, melon, and citrus. It has the delightful fragrance of a high-quality floral perfume.

That being said, the aroma of Mallika prepares us for its taste. Cutting into the fruit reveals orange, fiberless flesh with a compact, juicy texture.

A Ripe Mallika Mango cut in half
Image Credit: Miami Fruit

The Mallika Mango boasts a robust and complex flavor profile. It’s incredibly sweet with hints of honey, melon, and citrus, followed by a subtle floral aftertaste. It’s like enjoying a sweet orange-vanilla cream with a touch of tartness.

If I had to describe the taste in terms of other mango cultivars, I would say it’s closest either to…

  • A Carrie with hints of cantaloupe/melon OR
  • A Nam Doc Mai but with greater depth and flavor complexity
  • A Kesar but with better-balanced spiciness
A Ripe Mallika Mango hanging on the tree
Image Credit: Miami Fruit

Either way, it’s safe to say that the Mallika is a top-notch mango.

Finally, it’s worth noting that Mallika Mangos produce monoembryonic seeds, which means that planting a seed from a Mallika Mango won’t yield another Mallika Mango Tree.

Mallika Mango Season (And When To Pick)

Mallika Mangos are considered a mid-season mango (June – July).

The best time to pick Mallika Mangos are when they are mature (BUT NOT RIPE) on the tree. That is because the timing of harvest is the single most significant factor affecting the sweetness and flavor complexity of Mallika.

If we allow the fruit to ripen on the tree or pick it too early, this can potentially result in the fruit developing a vegetable-like and/or fermented taste. To add insult to injury, an overripe Mallika may still taste good but won’t have the desired orange vanilla cream flavor.

In other words, Mallika is pretty unforgiving if picked at the wrong time, so it’s crucial to ensure they are harvested when fully mature and ready to ripen off the tree.

A Mature Mallika Mango on the tree
Image Credit: Miami Fruit

With that being said, here are some additional tips to knowing when a Mallika Mango is ready to pick:

  • Is the fruit starting to transition from stiff as a rock to having a little give to it?
  • Is there a slight transition from green to greenish-yellow (not yellow)?
  • Lift the mango gently in your hand, does the stem break off when applying slight upward pressure?
  • Are there “blue tones” beginning to develop on the fruit’s shoulders?
  • Are the fruit’s shoulders beginning to fatten up and have a good width to them?
  • How does the stem look? It’s it drying up near where it connects to the fruit?
A Collection of Ripe and Unripe Mallika Mangos
Image Credit: Da Fruit Yogi

After harvesting the mature fruit, allow it to ripen off the tree for 7-10 days in a warm location, such as a garage or a screened porch. My typical ripening process involves placing the fruit in a paper bag in the garage and checking on them every day or two. A perfectly ripened fruit will be entirely yellow with some slight hints of green still present on the skin.

Mallika Mango Disease Resistance

In their home country of India, Mallika Mangos are known for their relatively high resistance to most fungal diseases. However, in more humid climates like Florida, Mallika can be somewhat susceptible to Bacterial Black Spot.

Mallika Mango History

The Mallika Mango was originally developed by Dr. Rammath Singh.

Mallika is cross between Neelum and Dasheeri.

In 1978, Frank Smathers Jr. introduced Mallika to Florida from India.

Mallika Mango Tree For Sale

Mallika Mangos are very easy to source. The other day I found a few sitting at Home Depot of all places!

With that being said, if you are unable to find one at a local nursery, your next best option is checking out Tropical Acres Farms (not sponsored). They are the only legit place online (from my experience) that you are getting exactly what you are paying for. 

They have over 300 varieties of mangos available. You can either order budwood to graft yourself or submit a grafting request to have a grafted tree created for you. They do ship!


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Thank you for reading! 🙂


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Matthew Rowlings

I have a degree in Biology from the University of Florida and am also an Active Florida Master Gardener. I am located in Central Florida (Zone 10A) and have 7+ years of experience with growing, propagating, and grafting 20+ types of tropical fruit trees on my 0.15 acre suburban lot. You can learn more about me and why I started Tropical Tree Guide on my about page.

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