If you are looking for an avocado tree that:
✅ Is VERY productive
✅ Is late season
✅ Will do well in limited spaces (small yards, etc.)
Then look no further than the Monroe Avocado!
Without further ado, this grow guide will cover everything that you need to know about Monroe Avocado:
Table of Contents
- Monroe Avocado Tree Characteristics
- Monroe Avocado Flavor Profile
- Monroe Avocado Season (And When To Pick)
- Monroe Avocado History
- Monroe Avocado Tree For Sale (Where To Find)
- Conclusion
Monroe Avocado Tree Characteristics

The Monroe Avocado Tree is a Flowering Type B Avocado. In other words, the female flowers open in the afternoon and male flowers in the morning. In order to maximize Monroe’s fruit production, the tree should be planted near a Flowering Type A Avocado with a similar fruiting season.
This includes avocado cultivars such as:

Speaking of fruit production, Monroe’s fruit production consistently ranges from good to heavy. The avocados themselves are medium to large-sized, elliptically-shaped fruits that typically weigh between 1.5 – 2.5 lbs.
Due to Monroe’s excellent late-season production and its slow-to-medium vigor growth habit, Monroe is definitely a favorite among homeowners.

The Monroe Avocado is a Guatemalan X West Indian Hybrid.
Similar to other Guatemalan X West Indian Hybrids like Lula, Hall, Choquette, Kampong and Marcus Pumpkin, Monroe is moderately cold tolerant to temperatures as low as 25°F.
This makes Monroe a great option for those in USDA Hardiness Zones 9B and above.
Monroe Avocado Flavor Profile
The Monroe Avocado’s deep green skin is slightly bumpy and boasts a glossy finish.
And despite being on the thicker side, the skin is easy to peel away.
The fruit’s flesh is smooth, firm, and creamy, with an oil content that typically ranges from 10 – 12%. Moreover, thanks to its steady and firm texture, Monroe also excels in its use in various culinary applications (holding up well in salads, etc.).
However, from a flavor perspective, how does Monroe compare to other avocado cultivars that I’ve sampled?
Despite its lower oil content, Monroe offers a mild yet inviting nutty flavor that is very pleasant and similar to that of Catalina and Simmonds. Therefore, Monroe definitely stands out as an excellent choice for those who appreciate the distinctive taste of West Indian Avocados.
Additionally, relative to other avocados that are in season alongside Monroe, I personally lean towards the richer flavor and higher oil content of both the Lula and Oro Negro. Yet, as any avid fruit enthusiast knows, while flavor is crucial, it shouldn’t be the sole factor to consider when determining whether or not to plant out a specific variety.
More specifically, when we consider other factors like fruit yield & tree growth habit, Monroe begins to emerge as an all-around better choice relative to the tastier (yet lower-producing) cultivars such as Lula, Kampong, or Oro Negro.

Image Credit: Serendib Farms
Monroe Avocado Season (And When To Pick)
Monroe Avocados are considered a late-season avocado (December – February).
Note: According to the Official Florida Picking Schedule, Monroe can technically be picked as early as November. However, I highly encourage you to allow the fruit to continue maturing closer to the end of December or the beginning of January in order to maximize Monroe’s flavor.

That said, the best time to pick Monroe Avocados are when they are mature on the tree. In terms of color changes, Monroe undergoes very little transformation during the maturation process. Consequently, my usual approach involves first checking if the fruit is full size and then attempting to gently remove it from the tree.
If both of these conditions are met (in addition to it being Dec – Feb), then Monroe should be ready to harvest!

And when in doubt, I have developed a repeatable process that has worked great for me:
- Starting Dec 1, pull a single fruit off the tree and allow it ripen for 3 – 8 days (at room temperature)
- Delicately create small indents all around the fruit using your fingers.
- If you detect a mixture of hard and soft spots, the fruit is not yet ripe.
- Conversely, uniform softness (not super soft) throughout the fruit indicates that it is ready for consumption.
- Delicately create small indents all around the fruit using your fingers.
- Taste the fruit – is the taste or consistency off ?
- If the fruit tastes great, the rest of the avocados on our tree are ready to be harvested
- If the fruit tastes sour/foul/rancid, wait 1-2 weeks, and repeat the process with another single fruit
- Fruit that are picked too early will often become black/inedible.

After confirming that the avocados on our tree are mature, we can begin developing our ‘avocado pipeline.’ This involves picking some fruit to ripen on the counter for more immediate use while also placing others in the refrigerator to be used later. By adopting this approach, we can ensure a continuous supply of ripe avocados.
Monroe Avocado History
The Monroe Avocado was discovered in Homestead, Florida, in 1932, on the property of J.J.L Phillips.
In 1935, the tree bore its first fruits, and on August 24, 1937, the patent for ‘Monroe’ was officially granted to Joseph R. Byrum, the manager of Phillips’ grove.
Due to its excellent eating qualities and robust productivity, Monroe quickly became a prominent commercial cultivar in Florida.
Monroe is a seedling of Waldin and one of the parents of Oro Negro.
Monroe Avocado Tree For Sale (Where To Find)
Tropical Tree Guide has proudly partnered with Montura Gardens, a family-owned nursery in Clewiston, Florida, to bring you premium, grafted tropical fruit trees—delivered FREE to your doorstep! With Montura Gardens’ exceptional quality and service, we’re making it easier than ever to grow flourishing tropical trees right in your backyard.
For more information, please check out our Tropical Fruit Trees For Sale Page.
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Thank you for reading! 🙂